Liberty and freedom in America is under attack, though I doubt that statement will surprise many people who are reading this. Millions willingly submitted to shutdowns, lockdowns, mask, and “vaccine” mandates. We submit to government regulating our education, our healthcare, and pretty much every other part of our lives. We’ve even fallen into the sad state of allowing government to regulate our constitutionally protected rights.
What Can We Do?
I’m looking for a few good patriots to join me, to not only stand against the slide into the dystopian future being set out before us, but to push back and restore the blessings of liberty to everyone in America. What can a handful of patriots do against those determined to subjugate us into slavery? Take a quick look at the past and I think you’ll see.
When the colonies fought for their independence, about one-third of the colonists actually supported the cause. Another third wanted to remain British subjects, and the rest didn’t really care one way or the other. What most people don’t know though, is that only about 3% of the colonist actually fought for independence. That’s right, a small group of patriots literally changed the course of a nation and the world. This has been repeated, even in recent history, especially when those patriots were fighting for their homes and families.
We’re Looking For a Few Good Patriots!
We are looking for a few good patriots, men and women willing to train, prepare, and stand for their rights, liberties, and families. You may already be part of a group or working for liberty in other ways. The Constitution Study Patriots is not here to replace what you’re already doing, but help you do it better. How would this work?
Your life as a Patriot starts with the Mini-Bootcamp. This online class is designed to provide both a good foundation for your studies and some tools to help you protect your rights. In this Mini-Bootcamp you’ll learn what the Constitution is, along with why that structure is so important. We’ll also cover the construction of the federal government, its relationship with the states, and some of the information you’ll find most important when defending your rights. Most important, you will leave with a basic set of tools to defend your rights and the rights of your family members.
After the Mini-Bootcamp, you will be invited to join The Constitution Study Patriots, and you can choose which track(s) you wish to pursue.
If we are to regain the blessings of liberty in America, We the People have to not only know our rights, but be prepared to defend and assert them. That is where The Constitution Scholars come in. Don’t be put off by the term “scholars”; a scholar is only a student, and all of us should be students of the Constitution.
The Scholars track is all about gaining a deeper knowledge about the Constitution. We’re developing lessons to help you gain that knowledge. Deep dives on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rest of the amendment, on the Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers, Classes on the role of your Sheriff in protecting your rights are part only part of the Scholars track. We’ll be working on topic specific classes, both in-person and remote, based on what the Scholars are looking for. We’re even planning to have a full Bootcamp, an in-person event where we’ll not only have the classes, but bring in speakers from across the country to help your education.
Let’s face it, patriots are spread all across this great country, and it’s hard to keep in touch. All the censorship, propaganda, and intimidation would be bad enough, but with all the myths and misinformation swirling around the different patriot communities and movements, it’s easy to get swept away and lose all sense of direction. This is why communication is so important. We need a way to both share what we learn, but to research the validity of the myriad of claims with which we are regularly bombarded. Unlike those who stand against liberty, our response to bad information is not to shut it down, but to provide better information!
Before the Revolutionary War, Samuel Adams created the Committees of Correspondence as an underground network of communication between patriot leaders in the colonies. By writing letters, these leaders were able not only to disseminate information about what the British were doing, but to help dispel rumors as well.
In the 21st century, our modern Committees of Correspondence will not use hand carried letters, but modern technology to bypass the censors and allow for the free exchange of information. Since part of the correspondence will include finding avenues of information that are being censored, we will find ways around it. Unlike the hand written letters of our predecessors though, we can develop a knowledge base of information anyone in the committees can use.
One of the reasons I believe patriots have been ineffective lately has to do with our isolation. I believe millions of people in America feel the way we do, but think they are alone. Afraid of the backlash, they don’t stand up. Like the mother in Texas, who stood up for her rights and refused to wear a mask while watching an outdoor football game. Sadly, when this patriot decided to stand, she stood alone.
But what happens when people stand together to fight the tyrants?
What was the difference between the Texas mother and the Buffalo business owner? No one came to help the mother when she was assaulted, tased, and illegally arrest IN FRONT OF OTHERS! However, in the Buffalo video, we see patrons standing and coming to the defense of the business owner as he stood up and defended his rights. One of the most powerful examples of people working together to protect liberty happened in New Jersey.
The owners of Atilis Gym in New Jersey were not only willing to defy an illegal state order, but to be arrested and fight their case in court. This drew not only hundreds to their gym, but millions of views of the various stories online.
How can 21st century patriots activate? By creating modern Minutemen!
Colonial Minutemen were members of the New England militia and were known for being ready to stand and fight on a minute’s notice. They had trained in weapons, tactics, and strategies, thereby providing a rapid deployment force to respond immediately to threats. So how do we create the 21st century version of the Minutemen? By using the education we gain in the Constitution Scholars program to enlist a network of people in our counties and prepare them to come to the aid of those whose rights are under attack.
When I moved to Tennessee, I reached out to my county Sheriff to make sure he and his deputies were going to protect not only mine and my family’s rights, but the rights of everyone in the county. I wanted a Sheriff that would stand up against both state and federal infringements on the people’s rights. Since then, I’ve been meeting and working with others, developing the relationships I’ll need for the time the tyrants come after me. Yes, I’ve met political officials like the county mayor and commissioners. I’ve also contacted members of the press and numerous business owners as well, not to mention everyday people who are concerned they may one day be the target of the tyrants. I’m currently working with some of these contacts to hold an event here in the county, to gather more patriots to the cause. I’m also meeting with my county election board, to make sure that no matter what happens in the rest of the country, my county’s elections are free, fair, and transparent.
We’re looking for patriots around the country to do the same thing. You don’t need to focus on Washington, D.C., the political parties, or even social media. Minutemen work locally to protect their rights and the rights of their neighbors. As the number of Minutemen grows, we will spread across the country, standing with those whose rights are under attack and putting government actors at all levels back within their legitimate sphere of influence.
Join Today!
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.
John F. Kennedy
Sure, you could sit back and watch, hoping that someone will rise up and protect your rights, but will you be able to look into your child’s eyes, knowing that when things were tough, you did not stand up and join the fight?
Becoming a Constitution Study Patriot is more than just signing up for a website. It’s joining a community that will defend and assert their rights; you’ll get more than a constitutional education. Instead, you’ll find other patriots to support you when you’re down and that you can support when they are. Yes, you may become a Constitutional Scholar, but we want you to join the Committees of Correspondence and the Minuteman programs as well. Doing so, you will not only be supporting one of the best constitutional groups in the nation, but gaining the tools to help you make your own groups and organizations better.
How do you join?
Before you can join the Patriots Program, you need to go through the Bootcamp. Once you complete the Bootcamp, you will receive an invitation to join the Patriots Program. Start your journey today.
THESE are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain, too cheap, we esteem
The American Crisis, Thomas Paine
too lightly:—’Tis dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated.