We’ve all seen it; rights and liberties are under attack in America. Businesses are shut down, mask mandates are given, government officials are ordering around those they were hired to serve, and vaccine mandates are just around the corner. COVID-19 did not initiate these infringements on our rights, it was just the excuse governments use to accelerate the theft of our American Birthright. There are many who claim that all is lost and the only way for America to once again be the land of the free is by force of arms. Is there another way?

At the Battle of Lexington, the commander of the Massachusetts Militia, Captain John Parker, gave his troops three simple orders.
- Stand your ground.
- Don’t fire unless fired upon.
- But if they mean to have war, let it begin here!
If we are to stand our ground though, what are we supposed to stand on?

Knowing Your Rights
Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them. — John Jay
Founding Father John Jay knew that to defend your rights, you would need to know them. And the best way to know your rights is to read and study the Constitution. So where do we start?
Knowing Your Rights Tour
Before we can assert our rights, we need to understand what they are and how they can be used. That is what this tour is about; we’ll start by looking at the rights most under attack today, where they are protected in the Constitution, and what we can do to defend them. Then we’ll wrap it up with a discussion on where you can voice your opinions and ask questions. The goal is that all of us better understand our rights and how to assert them properly.
Join us for your chance to learn about your rights and get your questions answered. You’ll learn how we all can defend and assert not only our rights, but the rights of our children, too, before they are lost to history.
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