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Year: 2019

The First Amendment and the Supremacy Clause

I’ve received several questions about the scope of the Bill of Rights, often around ideas that can be summed up in the Incorporation Doctrine.  Since here at The Constitution Study we like to take a deep look at the actual language, it’s worth looking at how the First Amendment is different from the others.

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The Constitutionality of National Emergencies

Going all the way back to at least Abraham Lincoln, Presidents have claimed special powers to deal with emergencies.  The questions we have here at The Constitution Study are who, if anyone, has the authority to enact these emergency powers and under what situations can they do so?

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040 – H.J.Res.7 – Constitutional Amendment to Abolish the Electoral College

In this episode, we’ll look at the resolution to amend the Constitution to abolish the Electoral College. The video stopped recording shortly before the end, but I had answered all of the questions posted at the time.   Don’t forget to post your questions in the comments below. I’ll answer as many as I can…

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040 – Weyerhaeuser Co. v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

A paper company, a government agency and a frog walk into the supreme Court. Find out what happened, next on The Constitution Study. In this episode, we look at the supreme Court opinion in Weherhaeuser Co. v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and what the definition of “habitat” is. This is the first opinion I’ve…

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040 – H.J.Res.7 – Constitutional Amendment to Abolish the Electoral College

In this episode, we’ll look at the resolution to amend the Constitution to abolish the Electoral College. Don’t forget to post your questions in the comments below. I’ll answer as many as I can on the show.

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What is Freedom of the Press?

In order to understand “Freedom of the Press”, we must define what the press is.

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039 – USMCA and the Surprise inside

In this episode, we’ll look at some interesting language in the USMCA treaty. We’ll also look at how treaties are supposed to be made and what our founding fathers thought about “foreign entanglements”. —————————————————————————– U.S. Congress letter to President Trump: George Washington’s Farewell Address: USMCA: Find out more at

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039 – USMCA and the Surprise inside

In this episode, we’ll look at some interesting language in the USMCA treaty. We’ll also look at how treaties are supposed to be made and what our founding fathers thought about “foreign entanglements”. —————————————————————————– U.S. Congress letter to President Trump: George Washington’s Farewell Address: USMCA: Check out this episode!

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