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Year: 2019

USMCA and the “Surprise” inside

I remember as a child opening a box of cereal looking for the surprise toy inside.  I also remember being disappointed to find a cheap piece of plastic that I ignored about five minutes after opening it.  While that surprise was disappointing, it wasn’t until I had opened a few more boxes before I realized…

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The Constitution Study Podcast Goes Video

Starting in February, the Constitution Study podcast is going video.  You can still listen to the audio podcast through Apple Podcasts, Google Play and on the website.  You can follow the video podcast on YouTube and Facebook.   One podcast a month will be recorded live on Facebook.  Join me the 2nd Wednesday of the…

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038 – S 3775 Establishing an Office of Drug Manufacturing

In this episode we’ll look at Senate bill S. 3775 and an attempt by some in the federal government to take over drug manufacturing. Find out more at

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038 – S. 3775 – Establishing an Office of Drug Manufacturing

In this episode we’ll look at Senate bill S. 3775 and an attempt by some in the federal government to take over drug manufacturing. Find out more at Check out this episode!

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Conversations on the Culture

Could part of the problem with a lack of understanding of our Constitution have to do with how teaching it was approached? Could it be that a focus on names and dates was less effective than the stories and reasons behind the document? Could a practical application of Constitutional ideas engage people better than a…

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S. 3775 – Establish an Office of Drug Manufacturing

If you remember the old program “Hee Haw”, you probably remember the line “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.”

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State of the Union Fight

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you know about the fight between Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump, which is only the latest in what I expect to be a long list of public spats.  This argument is over the annual State of the Union (SOTU) address and the speaker’s…

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037 – Incorporation Insanity

In this episode we review the oral arguments in Timbs v Indiana and the insanity around the Incorportation Doctrine. Incorporation Insanity  Supreme Court State of Indiana v. Tyson Timbs  supreme Court Timbs v. Indiana Oral Argument  Check out this episode!

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