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Month: November 2020

223 – The Mode of Electing the President

While discussing the mode of electing the President of the United States in Federalist Papers #68, Alexander Hamilton said:

I venture somewhat further, and hesitate not to affirm, that if the manner of it be not perfect, it is at least excellent.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #68
Yet a reasonable observation of the recent Presidential election shows that what we did is certainly not perfect, and could be described as far from excellent. So let’s look at how we have drifted from such an excellent process.

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222 – A Repeat of the Battle Athens, TN?

Edmund Burke said “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” As I read the reports of, if not actual fraud, questionable vote counting practices, I am eerily reminded of a part of our past I’m sure most Americans would not like to repeat.

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221 – The Media who Cried Wolf

We’re all familiar with the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. But what happens when it’s our media outlets who cries wolf?

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NTD Evening News – How Congress May Make Trump Win

Recently, I was interviewed for NTD Evening News. While I don’ think they understood me about the vote in the House of Representatives, overall it was an enjoyable interview.

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220 – Federal Courts Interfering with State Elections

With all the accusations, law suits, and recriminations around this year’s election, most people seem to have missed one very important problem. Before the voting even started, the federal judiciary interfered with elections in several states. I’ll not only explain the problem and show examples, but I will tell you what the American people can do about it.

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219 – Fixing Presidential Electors

Many people complain about the Electoral College, often blaming it for what are actually state problems. Tonight, we will discuss how we can fix these problems.

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