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Video Podcasts

070 – Kisor v. Wilkie and Agency Deference

I have a question for you. When you read something and you’re not sure exactly what it means, where do you go for clarification? I go to the person who wrote it. Not the federal courts. We’ll look at a case that challenges this process, Next, on the Constitution Study. Kisor v. WIlkie: Bowles…

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069 – Who Can Fix Our Government?

There are a lot of different ideas about how to “fix” our government. In this episode of Ponder This, we’ll think about who is ultimately responsible to fix not only Washington, but our state governments as well.

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068 – H.R. 5 Imposing UnEquality through the Equality Act

In an excellent example of bad assumptions make bad laws, the Equality Act will codify prejudice, discrimination, and inequality, making things worse rather than better. We’ll look at how, next on the Constitution Study.

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067 – Judicial Supremacy

Of the misunderstandings of how our nation and governments were designed to work, probably the most dangerous is the idea that the courts “settle law”. We’ll look at this next, on the Constitution Study.

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Memorial Day

This episode is a short remembrance of those who have given the last full measure of devotion to protect our rights.

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066 – If you don’t get your way, just change the rules.

In what passes for statesmanship in America today, we’re going to take a look at several examples of some in government who want to get their way by hook or by crook. These efforts are not for your benefit, but to further accumulate power in Washington, D.C. Next, on the Constitution Study.

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065 – What is the purpose of government and politicians?

During a speaking engagement, the question of what is the purpose of government and politicians came up. We’ll discuss that more, next on the Constitution Study.

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064 – Stealing Your Healthcare

In the most recent attempt to turn us from a republic into a socialist nation, Bernie Sanders and others are proposing legislation to create “a Medicare-for-all national health insurance program“. There has been a lot of talk about the political, economic, and logistic realities of such a proposal, but not very much about the constitutionality…

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