At a recent event I was asked by the 17th Amendment changed the role of the Senate. I thought it was such a good question I thought I’d ponder it here, next on the Constitution Study.
Read MoreStudies show that approximately 40% of Americans cannot name a single freedom protect by the First Amendment. Worse, a quick look around shows that most Americans not only know little about the Constitution, but a lot of what they do “know” to be true is actually false. How can we be a land of the…
Read MoreIn 1776 we declared that we were free and independent states. Are we still? Next, on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreOK, “own” may be a strong word, but the question is, who decides what you should do, you or the government? We’ll look at this in more detail next, on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreThere was a time when snake oil salesmen roamed the land. In this episode, we’ll take a look at a modern version of these peddlers of false promise, next on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreThere was a cross case before the supreme Court. I thought this would be a good time to look at current establishment clause jurisprudence. We’ll look at this case next, on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreWe call them public servants, but do they act like one? We’ll ponder this and what it means for the republic, next on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreHere’s another example of Washington treating the states like colonies. Before you go blaming Democrats, this one was proposed by a Republican, Marco Rubio. They may be euphemistically called “grants”, but they are better described as bribes. And these bribes will be used to encourage states to violate the rights of their citizens. Find out…
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