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Supreme Court Will Decide If Trump Gets Disqualified From 2024 Race Under 14th Amendment: Rep. Schiff

Democrats are claiming that the 14th amendment addressing "insurrection" can be used to disqualify the former president from running again in 2024.

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FBI and DOJ Are Sued For Concealing Biden Administration Censorship Pressure

After it was found the FBI was pressuring Twitter to censor election-related speech.

The post FBI and DOJ Are Sued For Concealing Biden Administration Censorship Pressure appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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Dr. David Bell on ‘100-Days Vaccines’ and New Lockdown Policies

Public health doctor David Bell talks about the government agencies lies regarding COVID measures, and their plan to reiterate the measures in order to get profits and power.

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Federal Deficit to Double to $2 Trillion Even as Biden Boasts Deficit-Cutting

As President Joe Biden on Monday touted his apparent deficit-cutting mettle, a nonpartisan fiscal policy research group warned of an "unprecedented" explosion in the federal budget deficit, which it said is on track to double to $2 trillion this year.

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Portland Public Schools new ‘equity’ guidelines: Non-white students no longer allowed to fail for cheating or missing work…

The Washington Free Beacon reports that this new grading system strives to overcome “racial disparities” and “inequities” in grading and instruction, which the district first started to consider during the pandemic.
The Portland Public Schools Equitable Grading guidance states that teachers are not allowed to issue “zeroes” to students who have either cheated or have missed assignments.

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Little Support Among Voters for Transgender Medical Procedures on Children

Few voters think children should undergo transgender interventions even with parental permission.

That’s according to The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll of 2,500 registered voters across the U.S., conducted by Noble Predictive Insights. The poll found that 58% of those surveyed are against medical interventions such as gender-changing surgery or puberty blockers for children younger than 18 years old.

The article Little Support Among Voters for Transgender Medical Procedures on Children appeared first on Tennessee Star.

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Federal Judge Rules Texas Law Requiring Age Verification on Porn Sites First Amendment Violation

A federal judge has ruled that a Texas law requiring pornography sites to install age-verification measures violates the Constitution’s First Amendment prohibition against free-speech restrictions.

The law also requires such sites to prominently display warning labels about what some consider the dangers of porn.  

The article Federal Judge Rules Texas Law Requiring Age Verification on Porn Sites First Amendment Violation appeared first on Tennessee Star.

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