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‘1984’ was meant as a cautionary tale, not an instruction guide

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In George Orwell’s *1984*, the dangers of a totalitarian government are vividly portrayed. What was meant as a warning now eerily mirrors modern America. The government’s collusion with social media to censor speech and control thought is alarming. Have the elites misunderstood Orwell’s message, or is his dystopian vision becoming our reality?

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The Un-Democratic Party claims to be saving democracy

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The Democratic Party claims to defend democracy, but its actions reveal a socialist agenda. By disregarding the Constitution, manipulating elections, and supporting Marxist regimes, the party undermines the principles it professes to uphold. Despite their democratic label, their true intent aligns with a totalitarian vision, threatening the very democracy they claim to protect.

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New election, same crazy scandals

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In the midst of another election cycle, scandals persist, revealing deep-rooted corruption in the electoral process. Despite years of investigations, issues like non-citizen voting and judicial overreach plague our system. Ironically, the same electorate tolerates these inconsistencies, echoing Einstein’s definition of insanity: repeating mistakes and expecting different results. Are we learning from history?

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Nothing can now be believed which is seen in the media

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In today’s world, trust in the media is severely eroded. Reflecting on Thomas Jefferson’s advice to uphold truth and sound principles, I explore how the media, politicians, and institutions fail us. Jefferson’s warnings about a corrupted press resonate deeply, prompting a personal approach to uncovering truth amidst overwhelming information. Embracing diverse voices helps navigate these challenges.

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Silence is not golden, it can be deadly!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Silence may be considered golden, but it is often deadly. Miscommunication, like in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, shows how silence can have dire consequences. Silence allows government misbehavior, as it equates to consent. When citizens fail to speak up against government actions, they tacitly approve, undermining democracy. Is silence golden or deadly?

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Biden-Harris and the Left’s plan to cripple the Supreme Court

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt wasn’t getting his way in the Supreme Court, so he threatened to pack it. In 2024, Joe Biden and the Left aren’t getting their way in the Supreme Court, so they’re threatening to transform it. The White House recently released a fact sheet stating that Biden doesn’t plan to “reform the Supreme Court.” What it describes can…

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End of SCOTUS term leads to plenty of fallout

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – As the Supreme Court wraps up its term in June, its most controversial decisions ripple across the nation, affecting everything from Chevron Deference to the power of Administrative Law Courts. This year’s impactful opinions promise more than just waves; they might create a tsunami of change, with significant secondary and tertiary consequences yet to unfold.

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Be careful what you wish for in politics

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Throughout history, revolutions often start with the hope for a better future but end in dystopian outcomes, as seen in France, Russia, and China. In today’s political climate, the debate intensifies around progressivism and leadership. With Joe Biden stepping down, the focus shifts to Kamala Harris and the potential consequences of her presidency.

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