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Constitution Study Events

Recently there was a lot of concern around the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Agreement. While most of the talking heads referred to this as a treaty and that it would be legally binding, it would have been neither. This got me thinking, while I did an article about the agreement and was on a couple…

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Stansbury Elementary Catechism

I stumbled across this document and think it would make a great teaching tool. Click to access elementary_catechism_on_the_constitution.pdf Stansbury Elementary Catechism on the Constitution of the United StatesWhat do you think about doing this as Patriot’s study?

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417 – Remembering the Battles of Lexington and Concord

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Most of us who grew up here in America learned about the battles of Lexington and Concorde from this Longfellow poem. Who does not remember, “One if by land, and two if by sea;” or Paul Revere’s cries of “The British are coming! The British are coming!”?

The part is most of the stories we have heard are not true. Whether poetic license or outright propaganda has been lost to history. However, the story behind those battles is not only well worth the telling, but of great importance to anyone today who still claims the title American.

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413 – How the 16th Amendment Destroyed the Republic

As April 15th approaches, and people spend valuable time and money on filing their income tax return. While plenty of people grouse and complain about paying income taxes, most don’t realize that the cause of their pain is the actions of the states back in 1913. When the states ratified the Sixteenth Amendment they did more than just help the feds collect income taxes, they fundamentally changed the republic for the worse.

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411 – Electing a U.S. President

Every four years, the United States goes through the ritual of electing a President. I use the term ritual for two reasons. First, most Americans’ understanding of the election process is based in custom or rites rather than the law. Second, most of the customs Americans follow directly contradict the actual process of electing a President of the United States.

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Tulsa, OK

I’ve been invited to a Podcaster conference March , so I’ll be in Tulsa, OK March 8-9. I will have time the morning of March 8th, and probably the evening of the 9th if anyone wants to meet up.

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The Myth of Case Law

Whenever I talk to an attorney, the conversation starts revolving around “case law”.Legal principles enunciated and embodied in judicial decisions that are derived from the application of particular areas of law to the facts of individual cases.Case Law – The Free Legal DictionaryWhat if I could prove to you that both “case law” and “constitutional…

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Is the U.S. Department of Education Legal?

With all of the money spent by the federal government to influence state and local education systems, one question never seems to be asked. Is the Department of Education even legal?

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