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Author: Radio

America is fiddling while the Republic burns!

often look back and see events that were unbelievably destructive to the republic: 1913 and the passage of the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Amendments. The Depression-era attempts by the federal government to regulate the economy. Let’s not forget the 1970s, when the federal government tried to regulate everything else. Sometimes, I look back and wonder what…

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When you hire a tyrant and treat him as king

The American people have turned the office of the President into a king. We look to him to take care of everything, from natural disasters to unemployment. We blame the President for the budget and deficit, even though only Congress can authorize spending. We expect him to rule by executive order, rule, and regulation. We’ve…

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Repeating our mistakes

We’re human. We all make mistakes. The question is, do we learn from those mistakes? As more evidence regarding the malfeasance in the 2020 and 2022 elections comes to light, what are we going to do? As people take to the streets and their actions are promoted by corporate media, We the People have a…

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We’ve turned impeachment into a farce

Impeachment was designed to provide a method of holding members of the executive and judicial branches accountable. Members of the executive branch were to be impeached for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, which Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines as “In law, an offense of a less atrocious nature than a crime.” Article III, Section 1…

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January 6th is on trial

One of the accusations against the Department of Justice is that it has been overcharging those accused of committing crimes during the demonstrations on January 6th, 2021. One of those claims of overcharging concerns the charge of obstruction of an official proceeding. The Supreme Court heard this question on April 16th, 2024. How the court…

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“The Constitution is a threat to national security” – Joe Biden

When there’s a conflict between the Constitution of the United States and claims of national security, which should win? Apparently, if the Biden Administration had its way, their claims of national security would trump the Constitution every time. Jordain Carney posted a document on X that she claims is a memo circulating within the Biden…

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Battles of Lexington and Concord

My wife loves calendars; they are all over the house. There’s one in our bathroom that I look at most mornings, and I’m frequently amazed by the number of holidays listed. Yes, some of those holidays are for other nations, like Boxing Day or Anzac Day. Others are days of recognition, like the resolutions that…

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To a racist, everything is about race!

Yes, the United States has a history of racism. Not the one you’ve been led to believe, where everyone everywhere was racist. Ignoring the real history of racism is part of what’s keeping it alive. During my lifetime, I saw segregation decline and become illegal. Sadly, today, racism has not only survived but seems to…

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