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Author: Radio

The GOP FISA Sellout! Unreasonable searches for the promise of the intelligence community to keep us safe

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines spying as “…to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes…” which seems to accurately describe what the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, has been used. Sure, the intelligence community uses it to spy on foreign actors, but they also use it to spy on Americans. Speaker Mike Johnson was a critic of the…

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Government corruption is not always who or what you think

We all know there’s corruption in government, even if we disagree about who is corrupt and what is considered corrupt behavior. That’s why I think it’s important to look at these allegations of corruption with as unbiased an eye as possible. For example, Joe Biden recently bragged that he was finding ways around the Supreme…

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Labels are a lazy form of discrimination

How many times have you heard it? Someone decides not to participate because they don’t want to be on some list? In my experience, it’s not the list but the label associated with it that makes people nervous. Labels are lazy. They are an easy way to dismiss someone or something without actually having to investigate…

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The latest jobs numbers are not as good as DC would like you to believe

There has been a lot of hype in the media around the March jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As with all political reports, it appears the truth is neither as good as the government wants you to believe nor as bad as their political opponents would suggest. A bit of research…

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In disinformation we trust

When a lie is called the truth, what do you trust? In a recent Pennsylvania panel discussion, Pitt Disinformation Lab Executive Director Beth Schwanke suggested we should simply trust her “trusted sources” and not investigate for ourselves. But when those so-called “trusted sources” have been proved wrong time and time again, can they really be trusted? When the media…

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America’s injustice system

Most people have an innate sense of justice. Noah Webster defined justice in his 1828 dictionary as: The virtue which consists in giving to every one what is his due. However, based on recent evidence, it appears America doesn’t really have a “justice system;” rather, what we have is “Just a System.” After all, how…

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The key to protecting our rights in America

The first Chief Justice of the United States, John Jay, foresaw that there would be attacks on our rights. He also told us how to protect ourselves against those attacks. Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free….

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State of the States

Federalism is a great idea. Some people think federalism means federal supremacy. What it really means is federating, several equal entities working together. Federalism allows states to find solutions that work best for their citizens while other states learn from their experiences. This federation of equals not only allows the states to be unique but…

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