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Author: Radio

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson misses the point of the Bill of Rights

Digging deeper into recent oral arguments before the Supreme Court in the Biden Administration censorship case, some interesting questions have emerged. Several hypothetical situations came up, which I think are worth a look. By far, the most important comment I’ve heard so far is when Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was worried that the First Amendment…

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SCOTUS on social media blocking by public officials

Social media has become such an influential part of many people’s lives they feel they cannot live without it. But what happens when a public official blocks your access to the social media pages? Can you sue them for violating your rights protected by the First Amendment? Well, SCOTUS says yes, sometimes. Don’t be fooled…

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Never let a pandemic go to waste

I’ve heard some pretty lame excuses in my lifetime. There’s the classic, “The dog ate my homework” and “The check must have gotten lost in the mail.” Sometimes, however, I cannot tell if what passes for logic and reasoning in the world today is the arrogance that people will believe whatever you say or just…

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When the outrageous becomes the norm

Have you ever heard something so outrageous you don’t believe it’s true? Then, when you find out it is true, your reaction is, “Are you kidding me?” I’ve had several of those lately. Like Senator Schumer, who complained about alleged Russian interference with our elections and called for new elections in Israel. Or a new…

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America’s destruction is coming from the inside! Daniel Webster warned us

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We have members of Congress who do not represent the American people, government actors who took an oath to support the Constitution actively subverting it, and a judicial system more interested in advancing political agendas than pursuing justice. All because the American people placed too much confidence in their public servants and failed to oversee their conduct…

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Deceitful is the partnership between media and the US government

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Discover the hidden layers of political magic and misdirection. Uncover how magicians in Washington D.C. divert attention, with a focus on significant yet underreported events. From the mysterious placement of pipe bombs to the DOJ’s controversial actions against journalists and the NSA’s data purchases, we delve deep, challenging perceptions and revealing what lies beyond the…

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The Texas standoff and Mayorkas impeachment

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The reasoning behind the impeachment articles is the state of the southern border. The unwillingness of the Biden Administration to enforce existing laws has led not only to an explosion of people entering this country illegally but disasters, both legal and humanitarian, throughout the nation. While a few states have thrown some political punches, only one so far has said enough is enough…

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Duty + Honor = Character

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In these trying times, I delve into the essence of duty, honor, and character, crucial traits for America’s future. Joined by Dr. Steve LaTulippe and Brad Miller, we discuss the Texas-Dept. of Homeland Security standoff and the Declaration of Military Accountability, emphasizing the need for integrity in governance and upholding our constitutional republic.

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