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When pundits and politicians want to stir up the American people, they declare war

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We’ve had the war on poverty, the war on drugs, even a war on hate. Frequently, these wars that are supposed to save the American people actually wind up enslaving them. The latest “war” enslaving the American people is the so-called “Green” Energy War. While this vicious attack on the American people has been having its way for decades, there are signs that the people may be starting to push back…

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States must start standing up for their rights

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Exploring the foundational principles of the U.S. Constitution, I delve into the federalist structure and the dynamic between state and federal powers. This analysis highlights the critical role of states in balancing against federal expansion, underscoring the importance of state sovereignty and the Tenth Amendment in maintaining the delicate equilibrium of our republic.

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January 6th, three years on: Legal battles rage

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Reflecting on the January 6th demonstration three years later, we find ourselves still embroiled in litigation and political biases. FBI investigations, media coverage discrepancies, and border lawlessness raise questions of intent versus incompetence. As the situation unfolds, it becomes clear: we haven’t heard the last of January 6th, nor the challenges it presents to our society and…

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Numbers don’t lie, people do!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – For example, remember those 3+ million jobs the Bureau of Labor Statistics told us were created in 2023? Well, it appears that about a quarter of those jobs never actually existed. Then there’s the data showing that, while still very rare, your chances of dying from the COVID “vaccine” is more than 50 times greater than the flu shot…

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A real three-ring circus

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In today’s world, we witness a bewildering spectacle. Our national debt skyrockets past $34 trillion, while our southern border remains porous. The recent disappearance of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin adds to the chaos, symbolizing a government that resembles a circus more than a serious entity. It’s a scenario where common sense and sanity are alarmingly scarce.

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God made the Country — man-made Cities

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Exploring the national electoral county map reveals a stark divide in political geography, despite a closely contested Congress. The Twelfth Amendment’s implications and the House of Representatives’ role in presidential elections are crucial. I reflect on socio-economic disparities, the justice system’s biases, and the ideological split between urban centers and ‘flyover country’, underscoring…

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Is the sacred fire of Liberty going out?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The 2020 election continues to unveil startling revelations. Claims of insurrection and malfeasance persist, impacting our perception of liberty. George Washington’s warning about safeguarding liberty resonates more than ever. As controversies from the Trump 14th Amendment cases to the January 6th protests unfold, we must decide: will we defend the sacred fire of liberty or witness its…

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Democracies run less on laws and more on emotions… we were warned!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Let’s not forget what Vladimir Lenin said, “Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.” That is why the United States was created as a republic, not a democracy. So why this push to transform the United States from a republic into a democracy? First, as Lenin said, there are those who wish to continue said transformation past democracy into socialism. The other reason is human nature. You see, democracies run…

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