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To impeach, or not to impeach, that is the question

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I delve into the intricacies of impeachment, examining its effectiveness and political implications. From Richard Nixon to Joe Biden, I explore high-profile cases and interview Michael Gerhardt, a renowned law professor, to shed light on this complex process. Join me in uncovering whether impeachment is merely a political tool or a necessary constitutional mechanism.

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Untangling the web

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Today, I delve into the tangled web of deception, particularly focusing on climate crisis myths and Fourteenth Amendment rhetoric. I aim to unravel these complex issues, shedding light on truths obscured by years of misinformation. Join me as we embark on a journey to untangle ourselves from these pervasive webs of lies.

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What a tangled web we weave

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I explore the tangled web of political deceit and broken promises plaguing our system. Discover the immigration crisis, the contradictions of sanctuary cities, and the pervasive lies we face. As we navigate through deceit and tyranny, I emphasize the power of truth in setting us free from this entangled mess. Join me in uncovering the realities of American politics.

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State powers and the Tenth Amendment

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – What powers are reserved to the states? How do we not only exercise those rights, but make sure the public servants we hire do so as well? The answer to these questions could be the difference between being at liberty or subjects of an out of control federal government. We start by revisiting the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to remove Donald Trump from the…

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A Look at State vs Federal Powers

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I explore the misunderstood concept of Separation of Powers, focusing on state versus federal authority as James Madison outlines in Federalist Paper #45. We delve into constitutional misunderstandings, highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of our government’s structure to prevent abuses of power…

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It’s the Constitution, Stupid!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – People ask what can we do to save America? It’s the Constitution. Others ask how to protect their rights? It’s the Constitution. How do we stop Congress, the White House, and federal bureaucrats from violating our rights? It’s the Constitution. Are you noticing a pattern?

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When in Doubt, Pound the Table

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – It seems today the best way for people to promote their agenda is not the have the best argument but the loudest. For example, people have been screaming about Hunter Biden failing to submit to a congressional subpoena. There’ve been calls for him to be charged with contempt of Congress, but…

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What has DC Done for You Lately?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – You would think by now that the American people would have learned their lesson. However, the evidence shows that We the People, are still willing to suffer the evils coming out of D.C. That we continue to try the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result. And we all know what Albert Einstein thought of that…

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