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A Pox on Both Their Houses

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Listening to The Constitution Study, you’re well aware of my disdain for political parties. Both have contributed to the current state of the U.S. Debates, debt, and potential government shutdowns – it’s a cycle of chaos, and accountability seems lost. Join me in exploring the impact and questioning where the true allegiance of our elected representatives lies. Are they for the people, or the party?

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Our Government Actors Running With Scissors

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I explore the childlike behavior of Congress and question the responsibility of those who raised such “overgrown children.” If our leaders act with impatience and self-centeredness, where does the blame lie? Dive into this introspective look at the maturity and accountability of our nation’s policymakers. Uncover the parallels between parenting and the behavior exhibited in the halls of…

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Democracy in Action

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I examine John Adams’ view on democracy’s self-destructive nature, drawing parallels with today’s civil unrest and lawlessness. Reflecting on history, including France’s failed democratic experiment leading to the Reign of Terror, I raise concerns for America’s future if we ignore Adams’ prophetic warnings. Witnessing the chaos, it’s evident – democracy, unchecked, could be our undoing.

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Taking Our Children for the Service of the State

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I expose the unsettling parallels between today’s government overreach in children’s education and the ideologies of Marx and Hitler. As Gavin Newsom’s policies echo a dark past, I question the future of parental rights and the role of the state in shaping our children’s minds. Our nation teeters between the ideals of freedom and control – a battle that will define the future of our country.

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Presidential Elections Lies

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In a world where Christmas decorations appear in September and smear campaigns dominate the media, I unveil the unsettling truth about election fraud and public misinformation. Delving into the Constitution, I aim to enlighten my fellow citizens on the obscured reality of electing a president, urging a collective awakening to restore integrity to our democratic processes. Join me…

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A Peek Behind the Curtain

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I unveil the hidden intentions revealed through people’s words and actions. In a world rife with arrogance and hubris, I guide you through examples in education, politics, and more. Knowing isn’t enough; I urge bravery and action to reclaim our freedom, echoing Edmund Burke’s timeless adage about the triumph of evil when good men do nothing. Join me in this introspective journey to empowerment.

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Here We Go Again

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I have a couple of friends who recently got COVID. This couple had been vaccinated, and I believe they were up to date on their boosters, yet they caught this virus. What perked my ears up was when the wife said they were only sick for a few days, thanks to the vaccine. She had just proven that, as a vaccine, the mRNA jabs are an absolute failure. As election season is in full swing, and yes…

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Facts Are Stubborn Things

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I confront the stark reality of facts and their impact on politicians and pundits alike. Power’s corrupting influence, unconstitutional policies, and denial of rights are unmasked, laying bare the urgent need for vigilance. Armed with undeniable truths, I stand steadfast, ready to challenge tyranny and safeguard the sacred blessings of liberty for every individual. Join me in this pivotal moment of…

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