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One court to rule us all

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Without active engagement, political systems naturally centralize power, leading to tyranny. Our nation’s shift from decentralized power to central control in Washington, D.C., mirrors this. The Supreme Court, originally intended as a balanced branch, now holds unprecedented power. George Washington warned us about this. Dr. Ming Wang’s inspiring story offers hope and a call to reclaim our freedom…

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Life in a litigious society

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – When something harms us, for many, their first response is to sue someone. This explains why the United States has more lawyers than doctors. Don’t get me wrong, the right to sue, to petition the government for a redress of grievance, is extremely important. However, too many Americans have abused that right by using frivolous, vengeful, and often misguided suits to get a payday rather than justice…

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The government ‘cure’ is worse than the disease

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The government’s solutions often exacerbate problems. From the southern border crisis to FDA’s questionable testing and approvals, federal interventions are more harmful than helpful. The HPV vaccine’s link to autoimmune brain disease and the inefficacy of FEMA and gun control highlight the risks. Government help is proving to be the last thing we need.

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Would those who we’re honoring be proud of what the nation they died for has become?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Have we made good use of our freedom? I wonder, if we could talk to those honored dead, what would they have to say about the state of our union? Would they be proud of what we’ve done? Or would they follow the lead of Mr. Adams, when he continued in his quote… “I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

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Corporate buzzwords vs. real morale

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Ever feel like policies are designed to make life harder? In corporate America, it seemed like every new rule existed solely to make us miserable, prompting the phrase, “The beatings will continue until morale improves!” Today, government policies, from transgender rights to gun control and climate change, seem to follow the same pattern, making life increasingly difficult.

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Have we redefined a rogue court as one that follows the Constitution?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – For decades, while courts ignored the law and legislated from the bench, people complained. However, it wasn’t until the progressive Marxist left started losing cases that I remember hearing the court describe it as “rogue.” For decades, when the Marxists couldn’t get their agenda through the legislature, they turned to the court and often won. And when they lost, they simply called the court “rogue.”

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Keeping our heads when others are losing theirs

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We live in a mad, mad world. People seem to fly off the handle at the smallest triggers. And with all of the accusations and name-calling, it’s like mosquitos buzzing around us all of the time. That is why I guess many people simply expect others to “lose their minds” every so often. There’s a saying, “If you can keep your head while all of those around you are losing theirs, then you don’t know what’s…

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We shouldn’t be surprised by how evil has thrived…

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Federal meddling infiltrates every aspect of our lives, from public bathrooms to state voting laws. We the People must stop relying on Washington, D.C., to fix our problems. It’s time to hold elected officials accountable and reclaim our sovereignty. Unless we act, calling ourselves the land of the free is mere whistling past the graveyard of history…

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