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Constitution Week Proclamation

I have drafted a proclamation to celebrate Constitution week. I’m sharing it with you with the hopes you will ask your governors and legislatures to issue a version for themselves. If you do get a proclamation issued, please share the details in the comments below.

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Banned by YouTube!

That’s right, The Constituiton Study has hit the big time! We’ve had an episode banned on YouTube. What has terrified YouTube so much they don’t think you should see it?

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Remembering 2021

Like so many of it’s predecessors, 2021 reminds me of the opening to the Charles Dickens book A Tale of Two Cities… “

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Knowing Your Rights – August 2021

I had a great time touring the Northern Plains this August. I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people who showed up, asked questions, and hopefully felt a seed of hope & liberty planted in their hearts. Check out some of the stops I made, some of the places I saw, and…

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Summer 2021 IOTC Membership Promo & Grand Prize Giveaway

Here at Institute on the Constitution our mission is to restore the Constitutional Republic through grassroots education. That means we need YOU, our members, to help us accomplish this mission.

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The Constitution Study – Review by Erika Leaf

Now more than ever, The Constitution Study – Returning the Constitution to We the People, written by Paul Engel, is a much-needed resource.

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