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Video Podcasts

074 – “Show Me” Nullification

I love when states stand up for themselves and tell the federal government “No!” In one such example, the state of Missouri legislature has passed the “Second Amendment Preservation Act”. Will take a closer look at this legislation, next on the Constitution Study.

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073 – Do States have Rights?

I love when viewers ask questions. We’ll ponder one such question, is driving a right, next on the Constitution Study.

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072 – June Livestream – What is a Right

We often hear people talk about rights. But have you ever stopped to think what makes something a right? We’ll discuss that next, on the Constitution Study.

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071 – Presidential Beauty Contest

I was listening to an interview about the upcoming presidential election when something important crossed my mind. We’ll ponder that next, on the Constitution Study. All the discussions about the electability of the Democratic candidates revolved around how they looked or what sexual orientation they were. Have we fallen so far as we pick our…

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070 – Kisor v. Wilkie and Agency Deference

I have a question for you. When you read something and you’re not sure exactly what it means, where do you go for clarification? I go to the person who wrote it. Not the federal courts. We’ll look at a case that challenges this process, Next, on the Constitution Study. Kisor v. WIlkie: Bowles…

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069 – Who Can Fix Our Government?

There are a lot of different ideas about how to “fix” our government. In this episode of Ponder This, we’ll think about who is ultimately responsible to fix not only Washington, but our state governments as well.

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068 – H.R. 5 Imposing UnEquality through the Equality Act

In an excellent example of bad assumptions make bad laws, the Equality Act will codify prejudice, discrimination, and inequality, making things worse rather than better. We’ll look at how, next on the Constitution Study.

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067 – Judicial Supremacy

Of the misunderstandings of how our nation and governments were designed to work, probably the most dangerous is the idea that the courts “settle law”. We’ll look at this next, on the Constitution Study.

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