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Video Podcasts

059 – The Snake Oil of Socialism

There was a time when snake oil salesmen roamed the land. In this episode, we’ll take a look at a modern version of these peddlers of false promise, next on The Constitution Study.

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058 – The American Legion v. American Humanist Association

There was a cross case before the supreme Court. I thought this would be a good time to look at current establishment clause jurisprudence. We’ll look at this case next, on The Constitution Study.

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057 – Public Servants?

We call them public servants, but do they act like one? We’ll ponder this and what it means for the republic, next on The Constitution Study.

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055 – Another Federal Attempt to Bribe States to Enact Red Flag Laws

Here’s another example of Washington treating the states like colonies. Before you go blaming Democrats, this one was proposed by a Republican, Marco Rubio. They may be euphemistically called “grants”, but they are better described as bribes. And these bribes will be used to encourage states to violate the rights of their citizens. Find out…

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054 – Who’s In Charge?

I’ve noticed a pattern I want to ponder. Who is in charge of whom? It seems to me those in government; federal, state and local; think they are in charge of you. But is that the order our Founding Fathers established?

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056 – April Livestream – Disassembling the Republic

There has been a lot of work behind the scenes lately to get rid of, or at least make ineffective, the Electoral College. Before we dispense with this critical part of our republic, we should understand why it was created in the first place. Join me for a discussion of the Electoral College, why we…

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053 – Is taxation theft?

In this episode we’ll ponder the idea that taxation is theft. Here’s a hint, it’s not as simple as you may think. Please leave your questions and comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe.

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052 – H.R.8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019

It’s called a bipartisan background check bill, but it’s more like a “you’ll have to ask the government permission to exercise your rights” bill. And being bipartisan means both parties will have their hands infringing your rights. Find out what this bill is really going to do, next on the Constitution Study.

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