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Radio Episodes

The political vitriol and consequences of our actions!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – There are families that do not talk because of political hatred or hatred of other people simply because they are members of a different political party, and this hatred sometimes leads to more deadly consequences. Donald Trump is not the first politician to have had to deal with an assassination attempt. Steve Scalise, Justice Kavanaugh, and Nancy Pelosi are just a few of the recent targets…

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Electing a President of the United States

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We the People do not elect a President of the United States, the states do, but I understand why. As election day approaches and we continue to observe the machinations of the political parties, wouldn’t it be nice to know how the process works, how the political parties have manipulated it to their advantage, and how Congress meddles in the election?

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Is the world becoming “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Witnessing a 1960s movie about motorists chasing hidden loot feels oddly similar to today’s world. Biden drops out of the presidential race, Kamala Harris steps in, and an assassination attempt on Trump sparks bipartisan chaos. As Rudyard Kipling said, we must keep our heads while others lose theirs. The world seems like a mad, mad place…

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Ignorance of the Constitution is endemic in America

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Ignorance of the Constitution is widespread in America, with alarming consequences. Many cannot name a single First Amendment freedom, and most federal spending violates constitutional limits. Politicians from both parties misunderstand constitutional principles, leading to misguided laws and proposals. Our lack of constitutional knowledge is not just a problem; it actively harms our nation.

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The ship of the deep state has struck an iceberg called the Constitution

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The metaphor of a “ship of state” illustrates how bureaucrats have led the nation into peril, like the Titanic striking an iceberg. This iceberg is the Constitution and laws of the United States. Recent court decisions reveal cracks in the deep state’s hull. Can we guide Americans to the lifeboats of the Constitution and dismantle the destructive bureaucracy?

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Observing the un-Democratic Party

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The members of the Democratic Party are not the ones choosing their candidates. This is nothing new since Bernie Sanders was the leading contender for the Democratic nomination for President until the party leaders got involved. This year, after promoting Joe Biden to their members and getting people to vote for him, the party leaders suddenly started pressuring him to drop out…

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Why I support policies, not people

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In today’s polarized world, it’s common to be defined by the groups we support. I choose not to back any political figure or organization. Instead, I support policies that align with my beliefs. This approach ensures I stay true to myself and avoid being boxed into predefined labels. It’s challenging but essential for genuine freedom.

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Congress trying to look like it’s cleaning house

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We’ve all done it. We “cleaned” by sweeping the dirt under the carpet, throwing the dirty laundry in the closet, and the dirty dishes in the oven. We call it “cleaning,” but all we’re really doing is hiding the dirt. It should surprise no one that Congress does the same thing. I don’t mean to say that Congress is actually putting dirty dishes in the oven, but that they’re hiding their failures by…

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