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How a constitutional scholar reacts to an assassination attempt

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The recent assassination attempt on a presidential candidate brings to mind historic events like the shootings of President Reagan and Robert Kennedy. As a constitutional scholar, I emphasize the need for rational responses over heated rhetoric. Our reactions will shape the future, urging us to seek facts and maintain a balanced perspective for the sake of our republic.

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The truth which shall not be spoken

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In today’s political landscape, both Democrats and Republicans believe only they can legitimately win the Presidency. This belief marginalizes third-party candidates, who are systematically excluded from the process. The election system is controlled by the two major parties, limiting voter choice and perpetuating a cycle of despotism warned about by George Washington. I challenge this status quo.

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Confronting federal power

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Charles Schumer warns Donald Trump, “You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” This notion fuels a widespread belief that you don’t mess with federal power. Yet, we, the people, can stand up against federal overreach with education, preparation, and fortitude, reclaiming our constitutional rights.

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Interesting times

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – “May you live in interesting times” is an ancient Chinese curse that feels all too real today. With the 2024 election, Supreme Court decisions, and debates on Presidential Immunity and gun rights, we’re navigating turbulent waters. If we can keep our heads amid the chaos, we might preserve the liberty entrusted to us.

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Who is tasked with keeping government within its limitations?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The Constitution establishes a central government with limited powers, but it’s We the People who must enforce those limits. Today, Congress, the Executive Branch, and the courts overreach their authority. This illusion of power crumbles when exposed. Recent Supreme Court decisions highlight this overreach. Will we, like Dorothy and her friends, peek behind the curtain and reclaim our power?

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Pride cometh before the fall

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. So why do we celebrate pride every year? Specifically, the month of June has been designated as the time to take pride in perversion and pornography. It’s not just the pornographic parades held around the country but the constant pressure to get people to both acknowledge and endorse these “lifestyles.” As one commentator asked, “Is This the Summer That Humbled Gay Pride?”

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SCOTUS silly season

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Every year, the Supreme Court’s term ends with a flurry of opinions, both important and controversial. Dubbed “SCOTUS Silly Season,” this period reveals the court’s impact on key issues like government coercion, presidential immunity, and more. By examining these opinions, we can understand the court’s role in shaping our legal landscape and its sometimes surprising decisions.

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If you’re expecting the courts to save your rights, I have bad news for you

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Are you relying on the courts to protect your rights? Think again. The recent Supreme Court case Murthy v. Missouri reveals that the courts may not always decide in your favor. Meanwhile, misinformation about gun violence continues, and a CBS/YouGov poll indicates a worrying trend: many Americans may no longer value their freedom…

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