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Patriots Posts

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Minute Men

I’m sure you remember the Minute Men, those members of the Massachusetts Militia that were ready at a minute’s notice to rise to the defense of their fellow colonists. The third part of The Patriots Program is just that, a group of men and women ready to rise to the defense of their fellow citizens at a moment’s notice. All of us hear about some constitutional injustice or another from time to time. What if we could share that information, through a group like the Committees of Correspondence. What if we had people around the country who have been trained by a program like the Constitutional Scholars to defend their rights and the rights of others. And what if there was someone, or even a group of someones, who were prepared to stand up and help defend their fellow citizens? People like the Minute Men.

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Committees of Correspondence

Knowledge is not something we should keep to ourselves. Between the tendency of patriot groups to not work together and the censorship that is running rampant in our country, we tend to feel isolated and alone. However, the best way to combat that starts with communication.

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Constitution Scholars

The first area, and where I suggest every patriot start, is with education. People say “knowledge is power”, yet that is not entirely true, it is the first step to power. Remember the bootcamp? The first thing we did was establish a firm foundation upon which to build our skills. That foundation is what we’re going to build our education on.

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What is a Patriot?

When you think of a patriot, what comes to mind? Is it the logo of the New England football team, or the image of Mel Gibson from the movie of the same name? Do you think of the image of the fife and drum or a row of American flags? When you think of patriotism, is it something you see or something you do? The answer to those questions will show whether or not you are ready for this program.

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