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Punishing Good Behavior

Why do we repeatedly punish those who do the right thing to reward those who did not? Whether it’s corporate bailouts, mortgage bailouts, or the anticipated need for a state bailout, these programs all reward bad behavior while punishing those who did the right thing.

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A Law By Any Other Name

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare What’s in a name?  If you think about it, names, and words in general, are important.  They are how we communicate thoughts and ideas to others.  You can change how someone reacts…

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If You Don’t Get Your Way, Just Change The Rules

In what passes for statesmanship in America today, we’re going to take a look at several examples of some in government who want to get their way by hook or by crook.  These efforts are not for your benefit, but to further accumulate power in Washington, D.C. But when a long train of abuses and…

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054 – Who’s In Charge?

I’ve noticed a pattern I want to ponder. Who is in charge of whom? It seems to me those in government; federal, state and local; think they are in charge of you. But is that the order our Founding Fathers established?

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Teach Them Diligently 2019 – Nashville

We had a great time at the Teach Them Diligently event in Nashville this weekend.  I want to thank everyone who stopped by the booth; it was great to see others so passionate about our Constitution.  Not only did we have some excellent discussions, but you’ve given me some very good ideas about things I…

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The First Amendment and the Supremacy Clause

I’ve received several questions about the scope of the Bill of Rights, often around ideas that can be summed up in the Incorporation Doctrine.  Since here at The Constitution Study we like to take a deep look at the actual language, it’s worth looking at how the First Amendment is different from the others.

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What is Freedom of the Press?

In order to understand “Freedom of the Press”, we must define what the press is.

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The Battle of Athens, TN

Athens, TN is the county seat of McMinn county.  Located in eastern Tennessee about halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville, in 1946 it was the center of a civil uprising that is not only worth learning about, but learning from as well.

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