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Meta Data and the 4th Amendment

It was all the talk on the web a while back, and I still hear it talked about today.  People are outraged that the government is collecting phone call meta data.  They claim it’s a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure, but really, that all depends on who the meta…

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Why I study the Constitution

When I tell people that I’m an author, blogger, and podcaster, the very next question usually is:  What do you write about?  When I tell them I’m writing a book about studying the Constitution, the looks range from mildly interested to baffled and confused.  Many people have asked why I would study and write about…

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State of the First Amendment Survey

The 2018 State of the First Amendment survey has been released by the Freedom Forum Institute’s First Amendment Center, and to put it bluntly, the news is NOT good! In other good news, three out of four Americans (77%) are supportive of the First Amendment and the freedoms it guarantees. Unfortunately, most Americans are generally…

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Why is Socialism Viewed So Favorably in the US?

Over the past few years I’ve heard of  surveys showing an increasingly favorable view of socialism, especially among younger adults. So why the change in attitude and what does it have to do with the Constitution?

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Which came first?

No, this is not an article about the “Chicken & Egg” theory, but an important question about who is in charge of whom and which governments have power over the other.

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Do We Have Three Co-Equal Branches of Government?

I hear it all the time, usually when someone is talking about separation of powers in the federal government: They say we have “three co-equal branches of government”. It’s heard so often that no one even questions the statement. This may be news for you, but while we do have three branches of government, they…

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Is A New Civil War Coming?

First I want to thank Steve C. for asking the question and sending me a link to a Rasmussen report that finds that 31% think a U.S. civil war is likely in the next five years.  While this isn’t a constitutional question, I think it’s important to consider.  At almost every session of my previous…

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How the 16th & 17th Amendments Destroyed the Republic!

Enjoy my latest essay, How the 16th & 17th Amendments Destroyed the Republic! Available now on Amazon.

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