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342 – The Virginia Declaration of Rights (1)

Prior to the Declaration of Independence being adopted, Virginia adopted their Declaration of Rights.

A Declaration of Rights
Is made by the representatives of the good people of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government.

George Mason wrote this declaration, but its impact goes far beyond the Commonwealth of Virginia. We can see the influence of this document on Thomas Jefferson in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration. Let’s take some time and look at this predecessor of our Declaration of Independence.

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338 – What is Judicial Review?

If you spend any significant time discussing court opinions, you’ve encountered the concept of “Judicial Review”. What is judicial review, where does it come from, and is it used today the way it was originally defined? These are the questions every American should have a basic understanding of if they wish to live free. So that is what we are going to look at in this article.

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335 – Why Don’t We Celebrate Constitution Day?

Most Americans celebrate the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, but very few celebrate the signing of the Constitution of the United States? Why is that? Sure, we celebrate Independence Day with cookouts and fireworks, but there’s nothing preventing us from celebrating Constitution Day the same way? Could it be that this union of states, like an old married couple, has become complacent and bored? Come with me while I examine this phenomenon in preparation for my own celebration of Constitution Day.

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329 – Limits on Freedom of Speech

Most of us have heard of the case where the Supreme Court placed limits of freedom of speech. However most people don’t know the name of the case and frequently misquote it. A recent case out of Kansas once again brings into question the government’s ability to criminalize certain types of speech. From the Schneck case in 1919 to the Hernandez-Calvillo case in 2022, when the government tries to make speech it doesn’t like criminal, We the People must stand up to the tyranny.

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324 – Redeclaring Independence in 2022

Last year, I re-examined the Declaration of Independence in the light of current events. After another year, I believe the evidence is clear, the government in Washington, D.C. has become just as corrupt, despotic, and destructive or your rights as the government of King George III was.

This year, I want to look at this new evidence to show you just how fast the American people are rushing toward servitude. I also want to take a closer look how We the People can regain control of our governments, restore our freedom, liberty, and rights, and once again show that tyrants are unfit to govern a free people.

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323 – Reining in Washington, D.C.

Regardless of the problem du jour, I’m frequently asked what We the People can do. Everyone seems to think all the answers are in Washington, D.C. But a look at the Constitution and some Supreme Court opinions will show that the answer to an out of control federal government is a lot closer to home.

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A Quick Look at the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

A lot has been said about the anticipated release of the Supreme Court’s opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case. The leak of a draft of the opinion set off a firestorm, both figuratively and literally, around the nation. With the release of the final opinion, we see a tectonic move in American…

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321 – When Preparation Turns Into Tyranny

There’s a saying in many training communities, “The body will not go where the mind has not already been.” Another one you may have heard is the Five “P’s”, Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The idea is simple; if you do not prepare beforehand for a given situation, you will not be prepared when it happens. But what happens when government preparations move from proper to totalitarian?

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