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Announcing The Constitution Study Live!

This brief event is to announce our new broadcast, The Constitution Study Live! Join us for the announcement and help us make sure our gear and process work correctly. You can watch the video at Check out this episode!

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030 – Expanding on What is a Right

In this episode we take a deeper look at what a right is and why protecting all of them is so important. Check out this episode!

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029 – Washington, The Western

In this episode we compare Washington today to a western movie where the the criminals are in charge. Check out this episode!

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028 – Thugocracy

In this episode we’ll look at another instance of threats and violence being used to intimidate others into silence and how America is letting the criminals run the show. Check out this episode!

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027 – The 10th Amendment

In this episode I talk about a few interesting facts I found while researching the chapter on the Tenth Amendment for my book. Check out this episode!

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026 – General Welfare Clause

In this episode we’ll look at the General Welfare Clause and how it has been abused to allow Congress to do whatever they please. Check out this episode!

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025 – Does “In God We Trust” violate separation of church and states?

In this episode I answer a question posted on the website about “In God We Trust” on our money. Check out this episode!

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024 – The General Welfare Clause

In this episode we’ll look at the General Welfare clause, what we’re told it means compared to what those who ratified it think. Check out this episode!

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