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023 – Does “In God We Trust” Violates Separation of Church and State?

In this episode I answer the question ‘Does “In God We Trust’ violate separation of church and state?” Check out this episode!

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022 – What is the Purpose of Government

In this episode we’ll look at what the purpose of goverment is and how our federal government is doing. Check out this episode!

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Do We Fiddle While America Burns?

In this episode I look back at the recent supreme Court appointment, the fiasco Washington turned it into and the negligence of the American People Check out this episode!

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021 – Meta Data and the 4th Amendment

In this episode we look at the question of phone meta data and the 4th Amendment. It may not be the conclusion you were looking for, but it is constitutional. Check out this episode!

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020 – Why I Study the Constitution

In this episode I answer the question I’m frequently asked, why do I study the Constitution. Check out this episode!

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019 – Janus v. State, County and Municipal Employees

In this episode we’ll discuss the supreme Court decision in Janus v. State, County and Municipal Employees. Check out this episode!

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018 – Self Evident Truths

In this Constitution Day episode we’ll take a look the self-evident truths listed in the Declaration of Independence Check out this episode!

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017 – State of the First Amendment Study

In this episode we’ll review the 2018 State of the First Amendment survey. Check out this episode!

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