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016 – Myths about the Constitution

In this episode we’ll look at some common myths about the Constitution. Check out this episode!

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015 – Why is Socialism Viewed So Favorably in the US?

In this episode we discuss recent surveys showing an increasingly favorable view of socialism. Check out this episode!

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014 – Which Came First?

In this episode we discuss which governments were created first and the roles they are supposed to play in our republic. Check out this episode!

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013 – The supreme Court Kicks Small Business in the Shins Again!

In today’s episode we review the supreme Court opinion in South Dakota v. Wayfaire, Inc. This opinion “allows” states to collect sales tax from out of state businesses. Check out this episode!

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012 – Do We Have Three Co-Equal Branches of Government

In today’s episode I answer the question “Do we have three co-equal branches of government?” I’ll show you that his oft repeated saying is just plain wrong. Check out this episode!

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In this episode we’ll take a look at the case NIFLA v. Becerra and the question of free speech in Californai. Check out this episode!

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010 – Carpenter v. United States

In this episode we review the Carpenter v. United States decision from the supreme Court. We’ll look at the third-party doctrine and the idea of an “expectation of privacy”. Check out this episode!

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009 – Constitution Study On The Road

In this episode I’m on the road and talk about the status of the Constitution Study and what I see happening over the next few months. Check out this episode!

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