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008 – Is A New Civil War Coming?

In this episode I answer a question about whether I think a new civil war is coming. Rasmussen Report Check out this episode!

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Independence Day

In today’s episode we take a quick look at the document that started this day. Check out this episode!

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007 – Contract? What Contract

Today we’ll review a supreme Court opinion that simply obliterates the Contracts Clause of the Constitution. Sveen et al. v Melin Opinion Uniform Probate Code   Check out this episode!

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006 – How the 16th & 17th Amendments Destroyed the Republic

In this episode I discuss my new essay “How the 16th & 17th Amendments Destroyed the Republic!”. Get your free copy by signing up for The Constitution Study mailing list I also announce my Patreon page where you can support the work I’m doing here and in exchange you get early access to content. Check out…

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005 – Knight Institute v. Trump

Can Donald Trump block people from his Twitter account? The answer may not be what you think. Show Links Blog Post NY Times Article U.S. Constitution, Amendment I U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2 Judiciary Definition Check out this episode!

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004 – Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

In today’s episode we’ll discuss the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision. I actaully read the syllabus of the decision to help us cut through the noise and understand what the court actually said. Check out this episode!

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003 – What is an Unalienable Right?

In today’s episode I define what an unalienable right is, why it has to be that way and give some examples. I also discuss some “rights” that people claim that are, and indeed cannot be legitimate rights. Check out this episode!

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002 – The Declaration of Independence

In this episode I’ll talk about the Declaration of Independence and it’s importance in understanding the Constitution. Find out more at Check out this episode!

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