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Trust in courts and you’ll likely get burned

When you go to the casino, you know the odds are with the house. When you go to court, you’re not gambling like in a casino, but there’s definitely a “house.” The judge works for the government, the bailiff, and frequently one of the parties to the case.

If you have a public defender, they work for the government as well. Let’s not forget that the judge and all attorneys were educated at law schools regulated by the government. And just as in the casino, usually the “house” wins. What can we do to help level the playing field?

John Jay said:

“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be better prepared to defend and assert them.”

That is where we need to start. By knowing the paramount and supreme law of the land, we can help level the playing field. It doesn’t mean the house no longer has an advantage, but it helps everyday people stand a better chance in court.

The Constitution Study with Paul Engel on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard on weekdays at 4 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free AppleAndroid, or Alexa apps. Listen to other episodes of The Constitution Study, available on podcast.