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What does “fair” really mean in today’s society?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Fairness is a word thrown around a lot, but do we truly understand its meaning? Examining policies on housing, education, and societal demands reveals a troubling trend of labeling prejudices as fair. Life isn’t fair, but calling unfair actions fair distorts reality, leading to harmful outcomes. Let’s delve into what fairness really means…

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Populism vs Democracy

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – When did “Populist” become a pejorative? It’s when elites assumed they knew better and claimed the authority to dictate to the “Deplorables.” Nancy Pelosi’s debate at the Oxford Union highlights this issue, with Winston Marshall’s insightful position. Populism embodies Lincoln’s ideal: “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

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Keeping secrets safe

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – In a world where privacy is under constant threat, understanding how to protect our secrets is crucial. Despite common beliefs, the Constitution doesn’t guarantee privacy, and government surveillance is on the rise. With federal agencies and social media collaborating, it’s up to us to safeguard our information and uphold our right to consent…

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Dismantling citizenship and crushing the American spirit

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – United States citizenship, once the envy of the world, faces dismantling efforts. Rights and privileges that attracted millions are under attack. Illegal immigrants gain representation, while law enforcers face punishment. Cherished rights are being crushed with little outcry. The question arises: why dismantle a citizenship that embodies rights, freedom, and liberty?

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When the truth is not what you want it to be

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Admitting that what we believe to be true might be wrong is difficult. From political debates to COVID-19 truths and Social Security concerns, we often choose comforting lies over uncomfortable truths. Jesus said the truth sets us free, but only if we seek it earnestly and acknowledge our potential errors. What will we do with the truth?

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Americans have placed political party above country, justice, and rights

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – We’ve watched while the spirits of revenge on both sides have destroyed the norms that allowed us to disagree yet remain united. The hatred shown for political opponents has not only led to the frightful despotism that is America today but also to the worship of a political leader to the detriment of public liberty. Will our own hatred for…

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When bribery fails, try intimidation

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Governments operate through bribery and intimidation, often influencing how we act and comply. As Alexis DeTocqueville predicted, corruption infiltrates every level, corrupting institutions globally. Despite their efforts, sometimes bribery fails, and governments resort to intimidation. Today, I explore fresh examples of this corruption, offering insights into the mechanisms that drive…

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The Bureaucratic State has its own agenda!

OK, the idea that the federal government is corrupt is probably nothing new to most of us. But when that corruption is so obvious that it slaps you in the face, do you turn the other cheek, or do you do something about it? For example, the O’Keefe Media Group has released a new video…

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