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Antisemitism and other offensive ideas

believe most Americans are not antisemitic. In fact, I believe most people find antisemitism offensive and ugly. But what do we do with antisemitism and other offensive ideas? The recent demonstrations on college campuses, many of which have displayed antisemitic ideas, espoused antisemitic rhetoric, and involved antisemitic conduct, have brought this question to the forefront…

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Give me one good reason I should trust government actors

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – I question the trustworthiness of government actors, highlighting that trust must be earned. Millions blindly believe that these officials will act rightly, yet evidence of deceit and misconduct abounds. As we examine political transparency and accountability, we must ask: is there any valid reason for this trust?

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Trust in courts and you’ll likely get burned

When you go to the casino, you know the odds are with the house. When you go to court, you’re not gambling like in a casino, but there’s definitely a “house.” The judge works for the government, the bailiff, and frequently one of the parties to the case. If you have a public defender, they…

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Is the government stepping over its constitutional bounds?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” echoes as we confront governmental overreach and unconstitutional actions. States like Oklahoma and Florida challenge the redefinition of Title IX. I delve into these violations and propose solutions for restoring integrity. Join me in this episode, followed by a lively Q&A session.

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How important is freedom of speech? What about your right to peaceable assemble?

Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstone rights in America, along with the right to peacefully assemble — emphasis on PEACEABLY. For that reason, I have no problem with pro-Palestinian organizations expressing themselves. However, that does not give them the right to be on private property against the will of the owner. Neither does…

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When the criminal DC enterprise goes unpunished

’m sure we’ve all heard someone say, “There ought to be a law.” The sad fact is that the United States is drowning in laws, rules, and regulations. The problem isn’t the need for more laws but the need to start enforcing the ones we have, starting with the Constitution of the United States. Those in Washington,…

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Searching for justice in our judicial system

It seems today that everyone has their own form of justice. Social Justice, Racial Justice, Economic Justice, but is that what the Preamble to the Constitution means when it says it was created to “Establish Justice”? Noah Webster defined justice as “The virtue which consists in giving to everyone what is his due,” but if…

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Patterns and consequences: A deeper look

Humans are generally pretty good at spotting patterns. Just look up at the clouds by day or the stars at night, and you’ll see all sorts of shapes that aren’t really there. Cloud shapes and constellations are where you find patterns. We see patterns in everyday life, and frequently, it helps us understand the world…

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